On one side of the blade sword is made in the technique of etching on steel gilded inscription: "For Faith and Loyalty", framed by a double-headed imperial eagle. On the other side - fragments of a chain of one of the most revered of the Order of Russia - the Order of St. Andrew. The blade sword smith V. Demidova embossed stamp. At the end of the blade etched inscription "E.Bogachev. Russian Blade. "
Wooden scabbard covered with red leather. The handle is made of bone. At garde blade embossed stamp of the author of "Bogachev". In the decoration of the handle used 146 modern cut diamonds, two faceted ruby and 3 faceted ruby.
Composition with saber sheath is constructed using parts royal ceremonial uniforms of higher military ranks.
Sabre "His Excellency" is handmade, made of masters of the "Russian Blade" in a single instance of copyright and is of interest to collectors and art lovers.
The possibility of buying only for registered users.
Product is commercially available.
Author: A. Bogachev
Damascus steel: V. Demidov
Jewellery working: B. and O. Nizhebortsevy
Etching: E. Bogachev
Materials: damascus steel, silver, diamonds, rubies, whale tooth, leather
The technical of making: forging, difovka, soldering, kanfarenie, tie-stones, engraving, panache paint, etching, plating
total length - 1003 mm
blade length - 816 mm