The idea of this sword can be described by the expression "Kiss of Fortune ."
All subject matter is subject to this general plan. The handle is made of black wood in the form of a gilded female lips. The shape and line handles are smooth and elegant as the woman herself , and while it is very ergonomic.
On the sheath of the goddess of Fortune . Goddess Fortuna - patroness of happiness, luck and accident, one of the most revered deities of the Romans. From it depended not only people, but even the gods. Fortuna is depicted with a horn of plenty, coins rolling in behind her wheel of fortune - a symbol of the variability of happiness.
On one side of the Damascus blade has an inscription in Latin, made in the technique of etching : «Virtute duce comite fortuna», on the other side of the translation : " Courage is , fortune favors".
This saber is not only a true delight connoisseurs and collectors of art weapons, but also the audience, for the first time confronted with this type of art.
The possibility of buying only for registered users.
Product is in a private collection.
Author: A. Bogachev
Executor: B. Moorov
Materials: Damascus steel, silver, ebony, leather
The technical of making: casting, forging, difovka, soldering, engraving, etching, patina, gilding
the length of the object - 990 mm
blade length - 795 mm